Duty or duties will usually cause both myself and my wife to revert back to middle school and laugh just a bit. Heh, duty.
Anything that can even remotely be treated as a sexual innuendo is leapt upon.
Lastly, I've made it policy to talk about my coworker's mom so much that pretty much most of our office does it now. Tony's mom, y'all.
Theme music by Matthew Wilder.
posted by Server Monkey 17 years ago
In "Curious George...<i>Rectum!</i>"
Duty or duties will usually cause both myself and my wife to revert back to middle school and laugh just a bit. Heh, duty. Anything that can even remotely be treated as a sexual innuendo is leapt upon. Lastly, I've made it policy to talk about my coworker's mom so much that pretty much most of our office does it now. Tony's mom, y'all.
posted by Server Monkey 19 years ago
In "Someone has figured out the lyrics to 'Yellow Ledbetter' by Pearl Jam (Flash)"
It all makes sense now! Man, was I way OFF.
posted by Server Monkey 19 years ago
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